Both individual scans, and whole samples can be deleted from SCiO Lab and from SCiO Lab Mobile.

As Scans are the building blocks of samples, they are accessed via the Samples tab in both applications.

To delete a scan from either SCiO Lab or SCiO Lab Mobile, select the Data Collection where the sample scan you want to delete exists.

  1. From within the Data Collection that contains the Sample you wish to delete, select the Samples tab.
  2. Select the Sample that contains the scan you want to delete from the list.
  3. Select the scan you want to delete and click Delete Scan.
Delete Sample_Sample Flow 2

Sample tab view, Scan view mode

Scans can also be deleted from the Spectrum tab view. To delete from the Spectrum tab, navigate to the Sample that contains the scan you want to delete from the Spectrum Tab. Select the scan to delete from the graph view and click on its spectra. A new window will open with information about the scan and will fade the other scans from the graph view. Select More and the delete scan option will display as shown below. Delete the scan.

Deleting scans_screen 1

Spectrum tab view

Delete Sample_Spectrum Flow

Spectrum tab view, Scan data mode

To delete a Sample from SCiO Lab Mobile:

  1. Tap the Data Collection with the Sample that contains the Scan you wish to delete.
  2. Tap the Sample that contains the Scan you wish to delete.
  3. Tap the Scan to be deleted in the list of Scans for that Sample. Delete the Scan using the trash icon on the bottom of the screen.

In addition to the scanning instructions as shown above, here are some of the best practice tips and tricks from other SCiO users in the field.

When you get this…Do this:
CalibrationCalibrate your SCiO with the SCiO Cover.
Weak SignalYou are trying to scan something that has almost no reflectance. Try from a different angle or pick a new sample material.
Invalid ScanHold SCiO steady, make sure the illumination light is pointed at your sample, make sure your SCiO is the correct distance from the sample (1cm/0.5”) from sample. If in direct sunlight, shade your SCiO or try to block some of the light.
SCiO doesn’t show up in your phone sync list Turn your phone Bluetooth off and then back on. Turn SCiO off and then back on.
SCiO flashes red and won’t turn onYour SCiO needs power. Charge!

Create a Scan

Scans are the building blocks of Samples, from which we create a Data Collection, and from there build models. So in order to create a new scan, a data collection has to exist within your SCiO Lab collection into which to scan. Samples are therefore created within the Data Collection you choose when you take your first scan.

To create a scan in the SDK:

  1. From SCiO Lab mobile, tap the data collection you want to scan into.
  2. Tap NEW SAMPLE.
  3. Complete the attributes of the sample you intend to scan. Don’t forget the photo!
  4. Tap NEXT.
  5. Calibrate if needed.
  6. Position your Sample and your SCiO and tap SCAN.
  7. Scan the sample from slightly different angles up to 3 times.
  8. When finished, tap DONE.

Your scan(s) are now saved and a new sample has been created.  To access the scans, select the sample and choose any one of the scans you created from the scan list. To add further scans to a sample, tap the  + button in the bottom right corner.

Scans, are the action of using your SCiO Sensor to create a spectral fingerprint of a Sample.

Each scan produces a slightly different spectral fingerprint. Even when the same sample is scanned more than 1 time.

Scans are the building blocks of the SCiO experience. Multiple scans of the same material make up Samples. Samples are then grouped into Data Collections and from Data Collection, we build molecular sensing models.

The following SCiO Lab Mobile screen shows a single scan, which is one of three scans of a Sample of a Calcite gemstone. The current scan is represented by dark blue on the graph, while all of the other scans of the data collection are light grey.

One Scan of a Calcite Sample

Samples and scans can be deleted or filtered from both SCiO Lab and SCiO Lab Mobile. Be careful to ensure you don’t delete an entire sample accidentally as deleted scans and samples cannot be retrieved and must be recreated.

To delete entire Samples from SCiO Lab:

  1. From within the Data Collection that contains the Sample you wish to delete, select the Samples tab.
  2. Choose the Sample from the list.
  3. Click Delete to remove the entire sample and all of its scans.

Select Sample

To delete individual Scans from a Sample:

  1. From within the Data Collection that contains the Sample you wish to delete, select the Scans tab.
  2. Choose the Scan you wish to remove and click Delete Scan.
  3. Repeat the steps to delete further scans. When the last scan is deleted, the sample is deleted automatically.

Select Scan

Delete Scan

Delete Scans from the Spectrum tab.

Scans can also be deleted from the Spectrum tab view. To delete from the Spectrum tab, navigate to the Sample you want to delete. Select the first scan to delete from the graph view and click on its spectra. A new window will open with information about the scan and will fade the other scans from the graph view. Select More and the delete scan option will display as shown below. Delete that scan and then delete the rest of the scans of that sample.

Spectrum tab view

Spectrum tab view, scan data mode


Filter In and Filter Out Function

The Filter In and Filter Out buttons are used to temporarily disable or add to a Sample. Undo the function by selecting x on each filtered Sample.

Individual Scans can also be filtered out when selecting the scan.

Filter In

Filter Out


The number of samples required to have a successful model depends on the complexity of the problem you are trying to solve. For simple cases, sugar and water solutions at a single temperature for example, a few samples might be enough, for more complex models like the ones Consumer Physics makes for the SCiO App, hundreds of samples scanned in multiple temperatures and conditions are required.
It is best practice to iterate between the data collection and model creation phases until the desired performance is achieved

See Designing a Data Collection, for more information.

Creating a new sample requires the physical object you wish to scan and as much meta-data about the object as possible to complete the custom attributes.

In SCiO Lab Mobile, select the Data Collection you wish to add the scan to. Use one of the default collections, or create a new one using SCiO Lab (web) from a desktop browser. See SCiO Lab and Data Collections for more information.

  1. Tap the Data Collection you want to add the new sample to.
  2. Tap the + button.
  3. Tap New Sample.
  4. Enter the attributes of the new sample.
  5. Scan the sample a minimum of three times.
  6. Tap Done when you are finished with all of your scans for that sample.

See Observing Data and Data Scrubbing, for more information about how to review your sample scans and analyze your data.

A sample is the unique physical matter or object to be scanned with SCiO. For example one unique gemstone, pill, bar of chocolate or apple. Two different pieces of quartz, would be two quartz samples. In the case of pills, two pills from the same bottle, stored under the same conditions etc. would be one sample.

Within each data collection, each sample must be unique in that it must have at least one unique attribute that makes it distinct from another sample in the database.

In the case where you are building a data collection of apples, you’ll need at least one unique attribute about each apple to be able to create a sample from it within SCiO Lab. For example, a scan from the outer surface (skin) of the apple, the inner flesh, or a bruised area.

Ensuring you randomize your scanning is critically important for the success of your model building. For example, in the first scenario where we said three scans of each pill, 5 pills per bottle, 20 bottles should not be scanned in exactly that order.

The order you scan should not be 3x5x20 but rather an entirely randomized order, such as: three scans of each pill, then randomize the 5 pills from each bottle to 2 pills from one bottle and 3 pills from another, and finally 1 from the last one until you complete the 3 scans of the last of the 5 pills from the 20 bottles.

The reason you want to make sure to randomize is that environmental factors can influence the scan results, so predictive patterns might skew the spectra. When you randomize, you ensure it is the actual matter you are scanning and not the order, temperature, ambient light etc. that is measured.

iOS/Android SCiO Universe Mobile Application

SCiO Lab Mobile is the mobile iOS/Android app you’ll use to scan with SCiO and gain initial data and feedback about your scan.

SCiO Lab Mobile is essential for working with SCiO. You won’t be able to sync, calibrate  or scan without it.

SCiO Lab Mobile uses the same Consumer Physics universal login as do SCiO Lab and your developer account.

main mobile - Copy