Scan a Sample
July 23, 2015
Scan a Sample/Material
Once the SCiO Sensor is synced with the mobile device, the next step is for your users to scan their materials or samples for analysis. Call the ScioDevice.scan method to scan a sample. Via text or diagrams in your app, make sure your users scan their materials correctly (correct distance from the optical head/shade/angle etc.). Generic scan instructions can be found here.
The scan method has one of the following results:
- Success: The scan was successful and a ScioReading object is returned. The ScioReading object can be sent to the SCiO cloud for analysis.
Cached Scans
The ScioReading Object is Serializable and can be persisted to any kind of storage to be analyzed later.
- Timeout: A timeout occurred.
- Error: An error occurred.
scioDevice.scan(new ScioDeviceScanHandler() { @Override public void onSuccess(final ScioReading reading) { } @Override public void onNeedCalibrate() { } @Override public void onError() { } @Override public void onTimeout() { } });
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