Developer Terms and Conditions The Development Molecular Sensing Models How to Generate Data Model for any specific element

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    Amit Kannaujiya

    Hi All,

    i need some help regarding data model preparation :

     What are the steps we need to achieve in order to prepare data models :

    I have gone through the and created one sample , I got   understanding about the SCIO lab web portal , What i want to know is about  :

    These steps which i think may be present to prepare data model for any element test, can any one confirm or correct me

    1) We have to prepare one chemical lab which prepare different concentration sub sample(let say 0.005 ppm) of my sample.

    2) We have to chemically test in chemical Lab for any specific components lets say Calcium and i have to records what was the property(lest say shows blue color) which it shown in chemical test.

    3) Now I have 2 things  first its specific concentration sample  and the property shown in this test.

    4) We have to scan same concentration sample from SCIO sensor and see the Spectrum generated in Web portal .

    5) second thing property (blue color), I have to compare  blue color with the Web Portal spectrum , If spectrum wavelength lies in blue color range (400 -450 nm)  , then I will be sure the presence of Calcium in sample . if not then calcium is not present .

    And my data model for Calcium presence is prepared .

    Please reply and suggest me different steps required to prepare data model .





    Amit, I am not at sure that you are on the right track.

    The SCiO scans are influenced by molecules rather than elements.
    So the spectra from methyl alcohol CH3-OH will be different from that of ethyl alcohol C2H5-OH.
    It does not work on elemental signatures of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

    If I wanted to make an estimation model to determine how much ethanol was in an unknown mixture,
    I would make up standard reference samples going in 5% steps from 0% to 100%

    If they were aqueous solutions I would need a tertiary model for my reference samples.

    The attributes for each sample would be methanol %, ethanol %, water%, and sampleID

    Maybe you can explain further what your objective is.

    Randhir Kumar

    Hi Rejsharp,


    Please help me out in below query, if you can.

    If I want to make a data model of some food material (lets milk). Then how to proceed with this?

    Because I’m unable to read graph now and also don’t have sufficient guides for the same.




    rejsharp has it right,  the first step is to identify what EXACTLY are you trying to figure out.  Think of the SCiO as a really fancy microscope.  You can just look at stuff and see how cool it is, or you can look for something specific and cure cancer ( oddly enough it seems marijuana kills cancer cells ).   The SCiO takes a microscopic picture that is seen in a graph of wavelength .vs. intensity.  The picture is beautiful, but like fine art, there is a special something that makes a Jackson Pollock worth millions while the drips from my paint won’t make me a dime.


    The good thing is your thinking this through too hard.  Think of the SCiO as an AI (artificial intelligence) microscope.  To make good use you first need to “teach” the computer.  So you show it (the SCiO)  the color blue (scan) and tell it ‘this is blue’.  You proceed to show and tell it what its looking at for all the 65 million colors.  After ‘teaching’ it the colors, then you can “TEST MODEL” and point the SCiO at something and it can tell you what color it is.


    This seems absurdly easy, it is, for you, not a brainless stupid machine.  But the machine has better eye sight, it can see colors like we do, but it can also see the vibrations of molecules.  So when we ‘teach it’, it can not only see color, but which bonds between molecules are vibrating.  All this information makes us able to see the art, not just the picture.


    Hope that helps, sometimes there is a language berrior.


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