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  • #2275

    Can someone help me to figure out how to attach a picture to sample on SCiO Lab? And how can I know whether a sample has picture attached?




    Good question Khoa!
    I can add a photo in Mobile Lab, but then see no further evidence of it.
    I cannot see how to add or delete or even see a photo in SCiO Lab (web)

    It looks like a loose end.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by rejsharp.

    Thanks Roger,

    I had the same issue. I want to take the picture of how I positioned the SCiO and the sample. I have some scans with fresh garlic unpeeled. Depending on where I scan (bottom or top or side), the spectrum is totally different.


    Hey Khoa, I think garlic may be a tough target as it can have quite a varied amount of peel and husk, I will listen out with interest on how you do.
    I was surprised with green leaves, that the SCiO would shine right through them, and give slightly different results depending on what was below. Two leaves thick is my standard for the moment. Conversely it does not change the scan very much if I have the leaves upside down.

    I am sure we will learn a lot of DOs and DONTs in the next few months.


    Hi Roger,

    I think your results with the leaves are consistent with what I read from the book sometime before. They say that NearIR waves contains more energy , hence, deeper penetration distance compared to MidIR. The good side is that the reflecting signal contains richer info of the sample, i.e., a few cm below the sample’s surface. The downside is that it may pass through very thin sample, i.e., leaves.

    That’s what I think 😉




    A Scientist

    You can see photos attached to scans in SCiO Lab (Web) by clicking Collections>Samples then checking the button for “Scans” (not “Samples”) then selecting the scan from the list.


    Similarly you can see the photos in the Mobile Lab by clicking through your collection, all the way to “Scan (Date, Time).”


    But I can’t figure out how to change or remove a photo after it has been attached to a scan during the pre-scan setup.


    @ A Scientist: Thanks for the tip … I have partial success.

    In SCiO Mobile Lab: I can see the images in the iOS version but NOT with Android!
    Also drilling down into the samples works differently between the two Apps. ( I will inform CP)
    I wonder what Phone type you have?

    In Web SCiO lab I still cannot see the images (Using Chrome browser) – I will try with a different browser later.

    If you have plenty of spare time, perhaps you can make a couple of screen shots?

    A Scientist

    Well, time is always valuable eh? 🙂


    I’m using an iPhone 5s, recently updated to the most recent version of iOS (9.1) and also updated the SCiO Lab mobile app a few days ago. Now I can’t see images anymore on the phone app, though there is a large white space above my first attribute.


    I’m thinking to get into Android development, but can’t comment on that as of now.

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