Paul Hiscoe

So as far as we can tell gluten is actually a complex of two groups of proteins.
The two groups are called gliadins and glutenins. Each group contains lots of different proteins which all have a similar structure.
These make up around 80% of the storage proteins found in the flour. Storage proteins are used by the plant to store things like iron and amino acids.
When in the flour they create a network by linking together – the two proteins together are what is called gluten.

When manufacturers extract gluten they run dough under water which removes most of the starch and other material in the cells. The mixture is then dried to give a flour like substance. This however only gives around 75% gluten (protein). The majority of what is left is starch (a carbohydrate), but there are also lipids (fats) and some other proteins will still be present. So how to explain our ‘100% gluten’ packaging which lists the contents as 78% protein?


If we can figure out what percentage gluten rather than protein in any given product (examples of zero are easy) I think we might be able to produce a model.


Has anyone got any insight as to how to determine the gluten% ?