


First, apologies for the delayed response from us, we had a backlog of support cases recently.

1. We are undergoing some difficulties during the liquid accessory production process, hence the delays. However I will make sure that we will expedite your shipment and that you will be amongst the first on the shipping list.


2. The SCiO Development Toolkit (DevKit) is designed to allow for building of material sensing applications using our cloud infrastructure.  As such, it does not support downloading of the spectral data. If you wish to download the spectral data (as a CSV file) you should be using our Researcher Kit. Researcher kits cost at $999.

You can upgrade by transferring the amount into our PayPal account, for further details please contact me (ah@consumerphysics.com) or support (support@consumerphysics.com)


3+4. Regarding 1.1 and the reading materials, we will send you the information via an e-mail.

