Developer Terms and Conditions The Development Hardware Bluetooth connection won't stay connected. Reply To: Bluetooth connection won't stay connected.


Solved… !


I have been using an iPhone 6S+ and keep up with the updates.  And there s the problem…  One of the ( I think 9.2 ) update messed it up.  The key piece of information I can provide is that the SCiO would connect for almost exactly 17 seconds.  I would disconnect and reconnect for 17 seconds.  Wash, rinse, repeat…


I acquired an old iPod ( v8.4 ), downloaded the app and low and behold I have a solid connection…


The day I figured this out, today, I received a production model SCiO.


Im going so see what happens when 2 SCiOs connected to different hosts are scanning at the same time.  If I scan the same spot at the same time, I think I should get the same result… wonder if I will…
