Developer Terms and Conditions The Development Molecular Sensing Models How To Scan A Material (Question About Material Itself) Reply To: How To Scan A Material (Question About Material Itself)




1. First, note the color should not affect the measurements.

Generally speaking, colors may change the IR spectrum, making it impossible to identify black plastics, for example, since they might practically have no spectral signature for SCiO to measure.

However, this is not the case with fruits.


2. Waxed apples were measured in our laboratory, and it seems that the wax layer has no significant affect on the results.

However, the wax can be washed off the apple sample, if you wish so, as part of your experiment preparation.


3. Since moisture’s molecular signature is very intensive, it is recommended to dry up the samples before scanning.


4. We recommend scanning in different locations in order to reach a sufficient variance in sugar content, for example, within the sample.

We recommend populating the attributes regarding the different locations during the experiment for further analysis.


5. Please note that in order to develop an Apple juice application, the samples and scans which are collected for this manner, should be juice samples as well.

As long as the juice is squeezed, the seeds or pill should not affect the results and will not be detectable by SCiO.


The video presented grounded meat with fat for demonstration purposes.


I hope it was helpful.



The Consumer Physics Team

  • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Ayelet.