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I need to know about how does the data stored in molecular sensor model ,would be communicated to android sdk ? How could it be stored in Sensor Model ?
I would like to know how to create models for analyzing samples. Means, I have seen models on desktop only. So, Do we need to create desktop applications using this data. what kind of data (json, xml or others) will be received from Scio device.
No. Mobile SDK hasn’t been released till now. Right Now, Scio Team is distributing a proto-type scio device only. Plus they are providing access to online guide. But we need a detailed guide to get information about these graph study to make working models.
The mobile SDK (both for Android and iOS) will provide you with the APIs to communicate with SCiO and fetch the scan data over Bluetooth.
The data will then have to be sent to the cloud (also through SDK APIs) for analysis by the algorithmic model.
The data is not stored in the device.
will Consumer physics allow devs to intercept the data from the SCiO & buffer it up somehow, to be passed as a bunch of scan data when I got back into a data connection?